Monday, March 9, 2015

Day 3.

So I got sick last night but I have a rockin rebound rate and was still able to frolick with the kids this afternoon. (as seen in the insanely high quality picture taken by Matt Conrad) 

The day started with bread and plain pancakes in bed thx to rhanley since I slept through breakfast. Then I helped paint the church from green to white with extremely watered down paint. Around one o'clock me and Stephen decided we wanted to walk around and find a shop with coke and these amazing Peruvian chocolate covered saltines (sigh ❤️).  The rest of the group came and we had fun exploring the streets a little bit 

The rest if the day was spent doing VBS which was AWESOME because my Spanish suddenly started sounding good and could actually converse with the children. Which is good cause they clearly thought I was hilarious. Everyone has farmers tans so that's funny to look at, it also makes me feel better about remembering sunscreen. 

Highlight of day: Pepe's wife telling me I was good at Spanish even after I tried convincing her it wasn't me she heard 😍

Lowlight of day: not being able to eat the cheesy potatoes or fried chicken we had for dinner #sick #SOsad 

Adios Papa, hablaré contigo mañana ❤️
Te amo!

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