Monday, May 18, 2015

America: Land of the free and home of Chickfila

Last night left everyone asleep till 10:30 this morning and craving chick fil a breakfast. Usually I'm against starting your day at noon, but since we are rounding day 11 of the trip, I was in desperate need of some extra sleep.

Paris has been a very different experience compared to Italy. First off, the people are not as friendly. In Italy people were teaching us Italian left and right, I actually learned some of it. In France, no one gives you the time of day. This attitude is  especially noticeable when we are served at resturaunt and you only see your waiter when he takes your order and brings you your food. Today while we were shopping I very loudly mentioned how,  "wow I should have got a small in this!", to my friend Liba. Usually the people working would offer to go get it for you or check to see if someone recently tried one on, but not in Paris! It has also been noted that there are no taxes added to any of the prices you are shown. The city also smells like pee every time you walk to the metro, and occasionally above ground too. We are still trying to figure out if there's a correlation.  

We have officially had three quizzes and our next one is tomorrow. I forget that we are actually here to learn sometimes (I'm writing this in bed and Taylor just flung her arm across me ahhhh! Too close!!)  I'm hoping if I just believe in myself and think really hard, the answers will come to me.  

I'm avoiding writing about today because it really wasn't that interesting. We spent a lot of time on busses trying to find our way around the city. In Italy it was wild if we did anything outside the group, but in Paris I feel like I've only seen about 7 people this whole time. We went to the padlock bridge where I made a lock for Ryan and myself, and Liba made one too. Apparently they are taking all the locks off the bridge though because it makes it weigh too much. So I guess me and Ryan's eternal love is going to end here pretty soon and my 5€ lock will be all for naught. After we hung out on the bridge we went to notre dame where I ran into my friend Charlotte who went to high school with me! I had been Facebook messaging her about fun things to do in Paris since she had spent the whole semester here and then next thing you know we were both in line! What a small world. 

Tomorrow my alarm is set for 5:45 and we leave at 7:30 for a bus to Bath in England. Apparently the train goes underwater. I'm pretty pumped. Time to go to sleep, hopefully tomorrow will be a little more exciting! 


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