Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Where's my 4 leaf clover?

Now that it's finally time to go home, I'm beginning to be jealous of Janae for getting to stay an extra week. I can honestly say the only negative thing I could think to say about my past three weeks would be about school; and since it's school I don't even feel bad about saying that. I'm going to be extremely sad to say goodbye to what my dad has been referring to as my "luxurious European vacation". Little did he know if was half school/boot camp.

This morning was no different than the others ones. We got an extremely above average breakfast and hopped on a bus. For breakfast I had a croissant with chocolate inside (they actually call this pan and chocolate or some variation of that depending on where you are), eggs, rice crispies, and a nice apple for the road. In Rome and France they didn't drink cold milk so now whenever it's chilled/about room temperature we think we're living large. The first garden we went to it was very cloudy and started to rain a little; it was styled to look like a French garden. The second garden was styled after an Italian garden which I have decided are my favorites. Italian gardens have stairs, changes in elevation, water, and evergreens (my teacher would be so proud right now). These gardens always have really pretty views and that's why I like them! I'll have to keep this in mind when I buy a mansion and need to design my garden. 

I must say Dublin has not blown me away like I thought it would. Everywhere in town is always so crowded and extremely over priced. Today we met some nicer people than yesterday though and that did improve my feelings about Ireland. I feel like the cities outside of Dublin would be amazing, next time I'm in Ireland I'll be sure to adventure out more! After we got back to the hotel, we packed up our bags and went to go explore. The cab cost everyone 5€ to take us from the hotel, to the city, which is pretty pricy. Some of my pizzas in Italy cost less! We walked around the town trying to help our friend Katie find her O'Connell family crest.  All the stores were tourist traps but they didn't even have cute stuff, #disappointing. We ate our final meal of overpriced chicken fingers and French, listened to some live music for a while, and then headed home. I didn't think I would be this tired but everyone was pretty sleepy too and ready to call it a night by 10:30. It is officially time to pack up all the goodies I have collected and head on home! My alarm is set for 5:45 and taxis are coming at 7:30. I am now riding solo since the teachers are not on our flight home, but I'm riding solo with about 29 other students so it shouldn't be too scary. 

Queso here I come!!

1 comment:

  1. Great group pic! I like the way you are in the middle. V
